Another Day is Dawning

by: Frances R Havergal 1836-1879

For a YouTube recording of this hymn:


1 Another day is dawning, Dear Master let it be,

In working or in waiting, another day with thee


Another day with Thee, Another day with Thee

O blessed Master, let it be, another day with Thee

2 Another day of progress, another day of praise,

Another day of proving Thy wondrous works and ways.


3 Another day of service, of witness for Thy love;

Another day of training for holier work above.


4 Another day is dawning, Dear Master, let it be,

On earth, or else in heaven, another day for Thee!


To read the biography of Frances Havergal is to read of the life long growth in her faith. Born into a pastor’s family, she knew as a child that she did not share her parents and sibling’s faith. Yet, she yearned for someone outside of her family to whom she could express her thoughts, doubts, and confusions.

As an early adolescent, shortly after her mother’s death, she left her parent’s home to attend the Belmont School in North Wales. It was here, in the company of many Christian young women that Frances first placed her hope for her salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

She was always precocious in languages; she was speaking clearly and in full sentences at the age of 2 years, reading by 3, and ultimately becoming fluent in several languages. Immediately after her declaration of faith, she returned to her studies with renewed vigor. Her writing consistently expressed the very personal and direct nature of her faith.

In this very short hymn we find a powerful prayer for a new day. She wants whatever comes from the day to be an opportunity to serve and grow in her faith. She prays for a day of progress, praise and proving God’s wondrous works and ways. She prays for a day of service and witness and of training for “holier work above” as another day dawns.